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Why is the consultation important?

This is a time when the client and Geri Parsley create a relationship which could be positive or negative. The reason for the consultation is established after the client responds to a series of inquiries to evaluate and assess the skin. Inquiries include family, mental, and environmental history. The skin is also examined for Fitzpatrick and Glogau classification, facial abnormalities, and skin damage. A decision is then made to link RSA's findings to the clients concerns and to define the skin condition to be treated. A plan of treatment is outlined and explained to the client in details. Expected outcome is discussed and the importants of adhering to the homecare regimen. Consent forms are then signed and a polaroid picture of the client's face is taken.




What is the Fitzpatrick Skin Classification?

It classifies complexions (not race) and their tolerance of sunlight:

I - Burns (maximum energy)

II - Burns, Little tan

III - Burns and Tans

IV - Tans and Less Burns (asian skin)

V - More Tan and Less Burn

VI - Only Tans




What is the Glogua Skin Classification?

It's a wrinkle scale - developed to classify the extent of aged skin:

I - No Wrinkles (this is the client who goes to the beach but doesn't sunbathe and who take other necessary precautions)

II - Wrinkles in Motion (when smiling or talking)

III - Wrinkles At Rest (wrinkles present without smiling or talking)

IV - Only Wrinkles




How and why should I care for my skin?

Stay out of the sun as much as possible. Photoaging prematurely ages the skin as well as cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. An analogy that describes sun damage is to think of it like a carpet and the reticulum as the "net". Elastin and collagen are weave fibers. The sun destroys the reticulum. So when the reticulum is treated, the wrinkles will disappear completely for secondary aging. For primary (chronological) aging, the reticulum elastin and collagen are targeted.


More importantly, the skin functions to regulate heat, excrete waste, breathe, and secrete oil. The skin doesn't really protect the body, but the skin barrier (lipoprotein) does control absorption, prevent bacteria, and prevent loss of water.

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