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When you come in and mention coupon 004, we will give you a 50% discount off the unit price of botox or any other neurotoxins. Regular price is $15 a unit.

What exactly are Botox, Dysport, Xeomin and Purtox?


They are neurotoxins- poisons that paralyze the nervous system. For therapeutic use they are diluted. They are categorized as A+B, B is the original and the poison. A was developed in Sweden for cosmetic purposes. Their action interfere with acetylcholine which is necessary to transmit nerve impulses to muscles. Inactivated acetylcholine paralyzes muscles and thus relieves spasms. In other words, Botox, Dysport and Xeomin fall under the A category of the product and when injected at 30 degree angle under the skin they block signals from nerves to muscles so muscles don't contract. They relieve migraine headaches, spasm of orbital muscles (blepharospasm), excessive sweating, spasm of back muscles, smokers lips and more. they've even been used to relax the anal sphincter to assist children with brain damage to defecate. Xeomin is said to last longer than the others. When injected, do not lie down or exercise for six hours because of “washing” of the toxin from the system; blood washes it out.



What is Rosacea and how is it treated?

Rosacea is a vascular disorder related to flushing. It is a characterized by tiny capillaries under the skin that when dilated create the flushing. The disorder begins around 30 years old through to the 50’s. Clients experience stinging, burning, and dry, tight feeling of the skin which cause the “angry face” look particularly on the cheeks and the nose. The early stage is characterized by subtle redness. “Lionization” is when the nose gets bigger. The disorder can affect the eyes and can actually cause blindness. The blood vessels can also attack the brain and result in death. The cause of rosacea is unknown; however theories abide that they might be caused by mites (demodex), H-Pylori or may even be autoimmune related. It is sometimes misdiagnosed as Lupus but in Lupus one sees red color ONLY, whereas in Rosacea exist tiny capillaries. Rosacea is managed medically with Flagyl, Tetracycline, or H-blockers; cosmetically with lasers, topically with Azelaic acid- RSA’s acne peel and systemically with oral retin-A in addition to tetracycline and flagyl. Salicylic acid is specific for vascular diseases, therefore RSA’s protocol follows the teen acne treatment.


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