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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is my plump lip not so plump after a month of Restylane injection?

Restylane, like Juvederm, and Perlane to name a few is a wrinkle filler and categorized as Hyaluronic Acid. Hyaluronic Acid appears naturally in the body and is biodegradable-meaning it is absorbed by the body. Everybody's body will absorb it at a different pace. I (Geri) have used Juvederm in my tear trough under my eyes and my body absorbed it in less than one month; however, when I used Restylane in that same area, the results lasted more than six months. Is it the Juvederm or the Restylane that was the problem? No- my body absorbed each product at a different pace. Try another hyaluronic acid if the one you used isn't getting you the result you desire.

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